Our Values & Commitment

Considerate Contractors

Huck Construction is a member of the Considerate Constructors Scheme. This is a voluntary organisation through which, Huck Construction have agreed to abide by a Code of Considerate Practice. Through this scheme, Huck Construction is committed to protecting the environment, respecting the community, securing peoples safety and valuing our workforce. Principles which we believe are always necessary and relevant.

Huck Construction


Construction is one of the most significant producers of waste of any industry in the UK. Huck Construction are committed to actively reducing our waste production as much as possible and to ensuring all our practises are environmentally responsible and sustainable. We ensure, as a bare minimum, we recycle our waste and materials as frequent and extensively as possible. For example:

Waste metal is collected from all sites and taken to local salvage yards.

Waste wood is incinerated to provide heating for our workshops and office.

Any surplus materials are stored for further use or to carry out any repair work.

If we cannot find a use for our surplus materials, we often donate them to be made use of by local organisations and charities.

We ensure we are knowledgeable and make ourselves aware of developments in the industry and/or materials which aid the reduction of waste and increase sustainability.

Supply Chain Management

At Huck Construction, we endeavour to keep our supply chain efficient and consistent, at the highest standard possible, for the benefit of our clients, and all persons involved in our contracts.

We closely monitor our supply chain using key performance indicators. This allows us to effectively identify the strengths and weaknesses of our sub-contractors and suppliers.

Our key performance indicators specifically look at the quality, professionalism, efficiency and cost, punctuality, communicative skills, problem solving abilities and environmental considerations. Healthy working relationships within our supply chain are of paramount importance to us. We find the relationships we have built and maintained throughout our time in industry have gone from strength to strength, always allowing us to work to the best of our, and our subcontractor’s ability, continually to the advantage of the client.